Wednesday, March 7, 2018

     Let me start off by saying that unfortunately I did not make it to class the day this film was presented. However I took the time to watch it myself and I was actually surprised I enjoyed it as much as I did. This was a documentary about 2 young business men named Kaleil and Tom who started a business in Silicon Valley called govWorks. They created a website were people could pay off parking tickets and other things from the government using this tool. Let me just say out this, my professor discussed that being an entrepreneur was not easy, it is something for people who love the highest of highs and can handle the lowest of lows. Along with a lot of hard work and little sleep in between of course. However it's hard to picture all of that in your head, but this documentary did a fantastic job on showing these high points and low points. For example a high point was when the CEO Kaleil had his face all over newspapers and magazines saying how he is a young billionaire in the making and how successful he was at such a young age. Also when he got to meet with the President of the time Bill Clinton and talked at the Whitehouse and even gave Bill his business card. It was very entertaining as well as a happy moment for these men. However it also showed how business could tear the friendship of 3 long childhood friends, one friend ended up leaving early and was the only one to actually make any money from the business, and the other two Tom and Kaleil ended up not making a dime off the business when it eventually went under and ended up not only losing the company, but also damaging the friendship that they had. Overall I really enjoyed watching this movie. And I'll probably be taking Andrew's movie advice from now on.

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